Manual barrier unit manually controls the entry to the toll lane. This provides the entrance to all the lanes in accordance to the status of the over head lane signal. Manual barrier is installed at the entry side of the lane and covers the the AVC area as additional lane width.
Entry Side
These barriers prevent traffic from accidentally entering through the closed toll lane (when the OHLS is red). The barrier arms rotates horizontally through 90 degree and lock into position. Positions switch is implemented to sense the open / close position of the manual entry barrier. Further, the status of the OHLS is tied in such a way with the manual entry barrier that, the OHLS shall turn to green only when the Toll Collector had logged into the TLC and the Manual Entry Barrier is in Open position.
Separate boom arm is mounted on the adjacent island to cover the extra width of the extra wide lane. This also have a limit switch to indicate the status of the boom arm and it signals the change in status to the LSDU as an event. The Extra arm opens only when there is an extra-wide vehicle coming into the lane.
Exit Side:
A similar arrangement of Extra arm can be provided at the exit side as well in alignment with the EXB arm with a limit switch for indicating the current status of the boom arm at LSDU level. The limit switch is connected to the TLC. The Manual Barrier has adequate protection against water & dust ingress for the normal functioning of the limit switch.